The Council may make standing orders for regulating its procedure and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing such standing orders may make such provision for the preservation of order at meetings as the Council may deem necessary. 市政局可订立会议常规,以规管其程序,而在不损害前文的概括性的原则下,该等会议常规可订立市政局认为需要的规定,以维持会议秩序。
You are the ones that are standing so strongly in position awaiting now only for the orders that you already KNOW to be activated and carried through. 你们就是这些坚定的站在自己位置上的人们如此的等待着仅仅在等待这你已了解的命令被激活并且完成下去。
There are several standing orders for soldiers. 当时对于士兵有一些标准战斗指令。
Rules of Order [ Provisional Legislative Council] Provisional District Board Standing Orders 会议规程〔临时立法会〕临时区议会会议常规
Junior Police officers who are qualified in accordance with HKAPF standing orders and who have passed the force selection board for promotion to inspector will attend this course. 初级警务人员根据香港辅助警队常规命令取得资格及获警队遴选委员会批准晋升督察,需参与辅警督察晋升课程。
Read and sign the standing orders. 阅读常规命令并签字。
Yes, I understand the standing orders. 是的,我理解常规命令。
He was boat and Captain and engine-bells combined, so he had to imagine himself standing on his own hurricane-deck giving the orders and executing them. 他既当船,又当船长还要当轮机铃。因此他就想象着自己站在轮船的顶层甲板上发着命令,同时还执行着这些命令。
Provisional District Board Standing Orders unorthodox behavior 临时区议会会议常规不按正常规矩做的行为
Committee on Standing Orders and the Application of Conventions and Recommendations 议事规则和执行公约及建议问题委员会
If you would like to overturn my standing orders at that time. 如果你们想要推翻我所下达的命令。
Provisional District Board Standing Orders Provisional Regional Council area 临时区议会会议常规
The military court decided he had transgressed the standing orders. 军事法庭判决他违反了标准作战规定。
You know our standing orders. 你知道我们的标准程序吧。
China has lost with the equal standing, turned a yellow race and the ajar definite orders nationality. 中国丧失了与西方大国的平等地位,变成了一个黄色人种和半文明开化的民族。